The South African Police Service (SAPS) define criminal cases as found in either the common or that are defined in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977). While hundreds of crime definitions exist, the SAPS release crime statistics for what are considered as the most serious crime categories. The figures produced within many of these crime categories consist of different types of crime. The SAPS use the following crime categories to release statistics on crime that is reported to them.

a) Direct and indirect application of force to the body of another person, or
b) Threat of application of immediate personal violence to another, in circumstances in which the threatened person is prevailed upon to believe that the person who is threatening him has the intention and power to carry out his threat.
Note: The act may consist of the direct or indirect application of force or threats of force decisive factor is the use of force or violence.

- Robbery of a motor vehicle or “hijacking” is the unlawful and intentional forceful removal and appropriation of a motor vehicle (excluding a truck and a light delivery vehicle) belonging to another.
- Robbery of a truck is the unlawful and intentional forceful removal and appropriation of a truck (excluding a light delivery vehicle) belonging to another.
- Cash-in-transit robbery is the unlawful and intentional forceful removal and appropriation of money or containers for the conveyance of money, belonging to another while such money or containers for the conveyance of money are being transported by a security company on behalf of the owner thereof.
- Bank robbery is the unlawful and intentional forceful removal and appropriation of money from a bank during office hours.
- Non-residential or business robbery is the unlawful and intentional forceful removal and appropriation of property from the business of another person. This includes schools, government and religious institutions.
- Residential or house robbery is the unlawful and intentional forceful removal and appropriation of property from within the residence of another person.

Definitions extracted from the SAPS Crime Definition Manual, drafted by SAPS. The full reference is SAPS (2012), Crime Definitions to be utilized by police officials for purposes of the opening of case dockets and the registration thereof on the Crime Administration System, V.001, Issued by Consolidation Notice 2/2012, Pretoria.