Driving Justice: how to ensure effective anti-corruption in South Africa

This event considers practical steps that can be taken by the Government of National Unity.

28 AUG 2024  

Event details

Date: 2024-08-28

Time: 10:30 to 12:30

Venue: Conference Room, Constitution Hill and online via Zoom (register to attend in person, register to attend online)

RSVP: Cathi Egan

Event Enquiry: Cheryl Frank

Attend via webcast

South Africa’s Government of National Unity has the opportunity to lead the country’s anti-corruption actions more decisively. Several practical steps can be taken to ensure more effective prevention and enforcement to stem corruption.

As part of the ISS’ Driving Justice series, this event invites fresh perspectives on the functions of South Africa’s anti-corruption institutions, considers international good practice, explains how to build cultures of integrity in the state, and suggests feasible improvements to existing institutions. Two new ISS publications that contribute to the discussion will be launched.

Moderator: Ferial Haffajee, Associate Editor, Daily Maverick


  • Firoz Cachalia, Chairperson, National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council
  • Yasmin Bacus, Commissioner, Public Service Commission
  • Andrea Johnson, Investigating Directorate Against Corruption, National Prosecuting Authority

Image: Getty Images

This seminar is funded by United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and GIZ. The ISS is also grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.



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