Good quality and caring services are necessary to mitigate the long-term impact of violence on children’s development and reduce the risk of further violence. But how do these interventions work, and what makes them effective?
Although INSPIRE: 7 Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Children is a prevention-focused package, it recognises the importance of evidence-based response and support services for children who have experienced violence.
This webinar showcases such services in Cambodia and Nepal. Speakers will focus on the lessons learned, challenges, adaptations and key elements of successful response interventions.
This online seminar is jointly hosted by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), the INSPIRE Working Group and the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN).
Moderator: Jody van der Heyde, INSPIRE Working Group Global Coordinator, ISS
- Sreyna Sam, Country Director, Hagar International Foundation, Cambodia
- Sunil Hakaju Shrestha, Technical Head, Protection and Safeguarding, World Vision International, Nepal