Why should male caregivers attend parenting programmes?

Strategies to improve children’s safety must encourage fathers and male caregivers to develop their parenting skills.

16 MAR 2023  

Event details

Date: 2023-03-16

Time: 06:00 to 07:30

Venue: Online via Zoom (register to attend)

Event Enquiry: Jody van der Heyde, Email: jvanderheyde@issafrica.org

Image: © LightField Studios Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo

Attend via webcast

Parenting programmes can reduce violence against children by helping parents and caregivers provide attentive and non-violent care. Fathers and male caregivers can play a positive role in children’s lives, but in many African countries, few men attend parenting programmes.

These programmes are one of the seven evidence-based strategies that the INSPIRE package encourages countries to adopt to end violence against children. Parenting programme implementers and evaluators from South Africa and Uganda will share their experiences of engaging men and what impact this has had. This online seminar is jointly hosted by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the INSPIRE Working Group.

Moderator: Jody van der Heyde, INSPIRE Working Group Global Coordinator, ISS


  • Kaathima Ebrahim, CEO Mikhulu Trust and member of the South African Parenting Programme Implementors Network’s Driver Group
  • Lauren-Jayne van Niekerk, Lecturer, Department of Social Development, University of Cape Town
  • Dr Godfrey Siu, Senior Lecturer, Makerere University and Assistant Professor, LSHTM-MRC/UVRI Uganda
  • Ramadhan Kirunda, Technical Advisor, Impact and Innovations Development Centre, Uganda
  • Andy Hill, Project Manager, Joining Forces for Africa Project & Plan International, Dublin, Ireland
This event is funded by Ignite Philanthropy. The ISS is also grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.

Violence Prevention


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